
Showing posts from May, 2021

Heart on my sleeve

I have'nt written my blog in such a long time, since Steven died.   Writing about it was so raw and painful, I couldn't go back and read it again so I deleted it . As if deleting  the words meant that what I walked through didn't happen or I didn't have to think about it . I even turned off  our Facebook memories, it hurt to much.   But life keeps going on it's way and when my mom saw that I was going through some sadness, she asked why I wasn't blogging.    I thought about it for a few days , if I was wanting to share so much of myself, because I prefer to be " all in "and honest about the good, bad, and the not so great things I go through.    Then I got a text from my 34 year old son today - he had noticed something I had posted on my Facebook and in his words he said "  Why don't you think you are good enough for someone ?  Their opinion of you isn't sh*t and none of your business".   I think he was basically trying to give me som